(Click the + to expand details and images about this feature)
+-Landing Page Overview
+-Items Master List
+-Multi Stores
+-Item-Store Link
+-Internal Processes
+-User Roles
+-Company Master
+-Starter Module
+-Purchase Orders- Receiving
+-PO Master List (Live and in sync with Sage)
+-Receive PO
+-Download and Print
+-Allocate Additional Costs (which incluence the actual Cost Of Sales)
+-Auto or manually generate Lot/Batch lot number
+-Complete Receiving (Update Sage)
+-Sales Orders - Picking
+-Master List of all incomplete orders
+-Picking Slip
+-Download and print
+-Delivery Notes
+-Picking Slip Tracking via simple to view, drag and drop kanban board
+-Automated Notifications of all configured tasks
+-Stock Control and reporting
+-Stock/Lot Movement
+-On Hand levels & Values per store
+-Inter Store Transfer
+-Item Adjustment (Stock Journal)
+-Stock Counts (Create, update, close)
+-Module 2 - Job Cards and Forecasting
+-Job Cards
+-Allocate items to job cards, on the fly
+-Manually or auto allocate Job Card numbers
+-Download and Print (for manual completion)
+-Track Job Card Progress
+-Sales Forecasts
+-Add sales forecasts to increase accuracy of stock holding and reduce stock downtime.
+-Finished Good Demands (MRP)
+-Calculation of Finished Goods demands based on PO's, SO, On Hand, Min and Max Levels etc, with demands calculated into weekly blocks.
+-Module 3 - BOM's, Kits, Manufacturing and Raw Materials Demands
+-Bills of Materials creation and consumption
+-Manufacturing/Production Works Orders
+-Works orders Master List
+-Works orders linked to Picking slips or Job cards
+-Raw materials demands per works order
+-Raw materials consumption during processing
+-Print works order for manual completion
+-Raw Materials Demands
+-Collation of demands of all raw materials, with demands displayed week by week.
This document serves only as a guide to the features and functions of Data Fusion. Features may be altered at the discretion of the Product Owners. Please contact us for more information